An Encounter with a Monstrous Elephant: A Lesson on Responsible Wildlife Interaction

As we embarked on our journey to the enchanting Kataragama temple in the picturesque island of Sri Lanka, we anticipated encountering some of the magnificent elephants that roam freely throughout the region. These elephants, known for their imposing stature and occasional demanding behavior, have gained a reputation as unwavering toll collectors on the roads. Our purpose was to pay our respects at the revered Kataragama temple and partake in the age-old tradition of offering prayers and tokens of devotion to the revered “Kataragama Deviyo.”



As we approached, a breathtaking sight emerged before us—a towering elephant standing confidently on the road. For those unaccustomed to such encounters, it can be an intimidating sight, reminding us of the inherent danger in approaching wild elephants. While these gentle giants may appear docile and benevolent from a distance, venturing too close could cost one their life.

This particular elephant, despite lacking tusks, commands great respect and protection from the locals in the area. It is widely recognized as a prominent figure and is believed to possess an insatiable appetite, seemingly devouring all the food in its path. Intrigued, we captured these encounters on camera, documenting the interactions between the elephant and both locals and foreigners.

Many travelers who visit the Kataragama temple also explore the surrounding areas, immersing themselves in the complete experience of witnessing the island’s captivating wilderness and its revered elephants. These compassionate individuals generously offer food to these magnificent creatures, considered national treasures in Sri Lanka. From fruits carried for their own businesses to provisions brought along their journeys, travelers extend their kindness to nourish the elephants they encounter.

If you ever find yourself on the beautiful island of Sri Lanka, a visit to the Kataragama temple is a must. Not only will you seek blessings from the revered Kataragama Deviyo, but you may also have the opportunity to witness the majesty of the island’s elephants. For a more comprehensive encounter with these magnificent creatures and the wonders of nature, consider exploring other notable locations such as the Pinnawala Elephant site, Yala National Park, and Sinharaja National Park.

We extend a humble invitation to join us on a journey filled with love and compassion, as we strive to protect and cherish our treasured wild elephants in the paradise island of Sri Lanka. Together, let us ensure responsible wildlife interaction and contribute to the preservation of these awe-inspiring creatures for generations to come.