Amazing recovery of three-week-old puppy after it has jaw broken by aggressive pit bull mother and finds a new home following successful operation 

A three-week-old puppy made a miraculous recovery after suffering a horrific injury.

May was just a baby when she went to go get some food out of her pit bull mother’s bowl, and was attacked.

She was left with a broken jaw that made it impossible to fully close her mouth or eat food.

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Sad: May, a three-week-old pit bull had her jaw broken (above) when her mother bit her for trying to eat her food

Surgery: Her owners soon surrendered her to Vet Ranch, who perform free medical procedures (above) to homeless animals

Improving: Her jaw was repaired (above), and after six weeks she was able to eat normal dog food once again

That is when Vet Ranch stepped in, a program that treats homeless animals.

A non-profit organization funded solely by donations, they provide medical care and then make videos showing the progress these animals make after they are treated, while also posting photos to their Facebook account.

In May’s case it was a long road, and even after she had her fractured jaw repaired she could not eat any food at all for a week, having to be fed instead through a tube.

The owners of May could not afford treatment after the incident and and surrendered her

Amazing: May (above with her vet shortly before leaving) has now been adopted by a new family

May improved quickly however, and in a week was eating food mixed with milk, and after six weeks was eating dog food all on her own, looking as if nothing had ever happened.

Even better, she was placed with new owners and left soon after for her home.