Tied Up and Desperate: Dog Spreads Out Paw Crying as Police Approach, Leaving Broken Hearts



The intelligence and generosity of animals never ceases to surprise us, and on this occasion a helpless abandoned dog has starred in a scene that will break anyone’s heart.


The heartbreaking rescue took place on the streets of Pompano, Florida. When Officer Angela Laurella received a report of a pair of abandoned dogs on a quiet street, she didn’t think twice before setting out to rescue them.

The animal seemed to fully understand what was happening, as as soon as he saw Laurella he lowered his head in a sign of docility and began to cry as if begging her to help him.

The 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida foundation were the lucky ones to take custody of the dog after the rescue and Amy herself commented on what had happened that day when they found the dog they named Liam.

Officer Laurella, who was the one who carried out the rescue, immediately sensed the painful past that the dog carried with him and immediately contacted the foundation to help him move forward.

Amy herself decided to take care of the well-behaved dog and installed him in the comfort of her home. She is the one who watches over Liam at all times.