Alien Woman On Mars Stalking Rover From Hill - Media News 48

Alien Woman On Mars Stalking Rover From Hill

This most recent discovery comes from renowned UFO researcher Scott C. Waring, who just discovered another additional sign of extraterrestrial life on Mars

This finding, however, raised a slew of issues, with scientists proposing hundreds of possibilities, to say the least.

As you can see in the image below,

was recently tormented by what looks to be the shape of a very weird ghost. This lady is supposed to have accompanied the Curiosity Rover for an unknown amount of time, and many people now think she is a ghost.

After all, why would a ghost be on Mars? Is this the place where our souls go once we die? Some argue that she is, since the overall transparency of her form strongly suggests that she is.

However, the transparency might indicate that she is utilizing a cloaking technology. Could she be a future person who uses technology that we won’t have access to for hundreds of years?

Scott even speculated that she may have been a Martian or a Martian statue all along.

The hypotheses are exploding, to say the least, as specialists try to figure out what’s going on with this weird predicament that Scott brought up a while ago. What are your thoughts?

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