Alien Watch: Conspiracy Theorist Spots 7 ‘UFOs’ Near ISS, Suggests Imminent ET Contact with Earth - Media News 48

Alien Watch: Conspiracy Theorist Spots 7 ‘UFOs’ Near ISS, Suggests Imminent ET Contact with Earth

A conspiracy theorist has claimed that the Nasa live stream from the International Space Station has produced evidence of seven UFOs lingering above Earth.

A conspiracy theorist has claimed that the Nasa live stream from the International Space Station has produced evidence of UFOs lingering above Earth

‘And the fact we are still breathing on this beautiful planet means either they are here to help or observe.’

The evidence presented by Graham was obtained during a live feed from the ISS on March 31.

He then uploaded the edited footage to his YouTube channel Conspiracy Depot.

It was revealed that the UFOs were observed between 11:20 pm BST and 11:50 pm BST.

With so many ‘sightings’ from the ISS, these UFOs could house friendly beings that will come face-to-face with humans in 15 years, claims conspiracy theorist

More worrying than the claims of nearby, unknown powerful beings of unknown origin is the belief that we will soon be directly interacting with the aliens.

Graham revealed: ‘Eventually, they will make themselves known.

‘There is a theory that a timescale has been firmly set and agreed by world leaders and the ET’s and I think the time for disclosure will be within the next 15 years.

The unknown conspiracy theorist known only as ‘Graham’ claims the unknown powerful beings of unknown origin is the belief that we will soon be directly interacting with the aliens

Graham believes that the anomalies are proof of UFOs. Some people have suggested that it could have been the Tiangong-1 space station reentering Earth’s atmosphere instead

‘Imagine how this will impact the Earth, new technology, medicines and way of life, our whole civilisation could change to reflect one of unity and peace.

In a previous statement to MailOnline Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, said: ‘Nasa can’t win when it comes to dealing with UFOs.’

He added: ‘Even if it was debris, it doesn’t turn it into a extraterrestrial scoutship filled with tentacled aliens.’

Multiple specks on the screen of the ISS live stream is ‘proof’ of extra-terrestrial visitors to Earth’s orbit, claims Graham

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