Alien Conspiracy Unveiled: UFO Enthusiasts Claim Secret Base on Mars Moon Phobos Linked to Mysterious ‘Monolith’ Discovery



UFO watchers have been excitedly sharing a European Space Agency (ESA) image purportedly showing an alien moon base first posited by NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin.

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Legendary NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin gave an interview on C-Span seven years ago. In this, the iconic Apollo 11 crew member stated: “Visit the moon on Mars.

UFO sighting: Alien life conspiracy theorists believe an alien ‘monolith’ has been found on Phobos (Image: ESA)

UFO sighting: Legendary NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin believes there is a monolith on Phobos (Image: NASA)

Now Waring believes he has found the legendary alien monolith on a verified European Space Agency (ESA) image of the Mars moon Phobos.

UFO sighting: Scott Waring and other UFO enthusiasts are searching for alien life around Mars (Image: NASA)

He believes his dubious discovery is actually adding to evidence the ESA and US space agency NASA are involved in a conspiracy to suppress knowledge of intelligent alien civilisations in our solar system.

Why hasn't the huge, out of place, artificial-looking monolith on Phobos  (moon of Mars) been given any scientific attention yet? Why does NASA claim  the intriguing 'Phobos Monolith' is a rock despite


He said: “The monolith is far larger than any of us thought.

UFO sighting: Waring believes he has evidence the ESA and US space agency NASA are involved in a conspiracy (Image: NASA)

“This means the Mars moon structure or ship is approximately 1.4 miles long (2.2km).


The bizarre and blurry Mars image triggered many comments on the etdatabase YouTube channel.