Ch????-ch??k?? ???i?s ??ss?ss ? ?niv??s?l ch??m th?t t??nsc?n?s c?lt???l ???n???i?s ?n? l?n????? ????i??s. Th?i? ch????ic ??c?s, ????n?? with ?l?m? ??s? ch??ks, ?licit smil?s ?n? w??m ???lin?s ???m ????l? ?ll ????n? th? w??l?. Th?s? ??????l? in??nts, with th?i? inn?c?nt ??z? ?n? in??cti??s ?i??l?s, h?v? ?n ?nc?nn? ??ilit? t? m?lt ?v?n th? ici?st ?? h???ts.

It’s ?s th???h ch????-ch??k?? ???i?s h?l? ? s?c??t k?? t? h?m?nit?’s c?ll?ctiv? c?m??ssi?n. N? m?tt?? wh??? ??? ?? ?n this ?l?n?t, th? si?ht ?? ? ?????-ch??k?? in??nt will ?n????t??l? ?v?k? ? s??nt?n???s “?ww” ?n? ? ??sh ?? ?n????hins, l??vin? ????l? h?l?l?ssl? c??tiv?t?? ?? th?i? sh??? c?t?n?ss.

In J???n, ???n?????nts l?vin?l? c?ll th?s? ??li?ht??l t?ts “k?w?ii,” whil? in It?l?, th?? ??? c?l????t?? with ?h??s?s lik? “??m?in? c??in?.” In ?v??? c??n?? ?? th? ?l???, ch????-ch??k?? ???i?s ??? c?l????t?? ?n? ??????, ??????l?ss ?? th?i? ?thnicit? ?? ??ck????n?. Th?? ??? th? ?m???im?nt ?? inn?c?nc?, ???it?, ?n? th? h??? th?t li?? c???i?s within, m?kin? th?m ? s???c? ?? j?? ?n? ins?i??ti?n ??? ?v????n? ???t?n?t? ?n???h t? ?nc??nt?? th?m.

Ch????-ch??k?? ???i?s ??min? ?s ?? th? sim?l? ?l??s???s in li?? ?n? th? ????t? ?? ??? sh???? h?m?nit?. Th?? s?m??liz? th? ???mis? ?? ? ??i?ht?? ??t??? ?n? ??in? ????l? t???th?? th????h th?i? ?nch?ntin? ???s?nc?. N? m?tt?? wh??? w? c?m? ???m, th?s? littl? ch????s t??ch ??? h???ts, ??min?in? ?s th?t l?v? ?n? ?????ti?n kn?w n? ??????s.