Our cities are full of man-made noises that more often than not overpower sounds from the natural world.
Drowning out sounds like beautiful birdsong, forcing us to take walks in parks to reconnect with nature.

| February 8, 2021 | Articles
However many birds are not only beautiful to hear they are just as beautiful to the eye. Many with the power astonish us with their appearance. Birds like Charcoal of Sophie, or the Louisiana Pope. A bird that is a veritable rainbow of color, so much so it could have easily thought to have been dipped in a painter’s palette.
#1. The Louisiana Pope is a bird that lives primarily in Central and Northern United States.

#2. The male is very much the colorful one of the species.

#3. Females are brownish-green, making them more camouflaged than their male counterparts.

#4. Generally speaking, males have a bright red belly, greenback, and blue head, but this can vary into a thousand different shades.

#5. Despite their bright colors, they are hard to find because of their shyness.

#6. They are called the Pope of Louisiana because they are often seen flying in the skies of the state with the same name in the United States. It is also called passerin nonpareil, and or Painted Bunting.

#7. They like to feed on seeds and small insects.

#8. This is a bird who seems to know how stunning he is.

#9. A beautiful bird that reminds us how beautiful nature can be!

The Louisiana Pope!