A Heartfelt Lament: The Poignant Tale of Waiting, Hunger, and a Mother’s Unyielding Love


Golden rays shift towards the west,

The sun has hidden behind the trees,

its warmth ceased.

Sister dear, hunger grips me in folds,

Why does mother not return with provisions untold?


Days pass without mother’s departure,

Year after year, she hunts for worms, a tireless venture.

Today, the wait feels longer than ever,

Since early morn, why hasn’t she returned? I ponder.



Oh sister, strive on, don’t despair,

Food is scarce, a prolonged search it’s been, I swear.

I often ignore our mother and father,

But which parent truly abandons us, I’d rather not bother.


Sister dear, a mist blankets the view,

The moon seems to wait for the trees to renew.

My clothes are soaked through and through,

Mother might not return, I fear, it’s true.

Tonight, hunger grips me tight, Limbs weary, I struggle to sit upright.

I’ll surrender to a deep slumber,

Perhaps, I won’t wake again, my sister.



Endure the night, both of you, my sisters,

Clasp my feet to survive till morning whispers.

Surely, mother will return with the dawn,

Send my love to her, and to you, my fawn

But my thin garment, damp with evening dew,

I can’t endure, waiting for a love that may be untrue.

Mother’s heart, too, must ache and shiver,

For her little ones, lost on the way home forever.


(Nest 1 c-g) Development of Leptotila rufaxilla nestlings in a forest fragment in southwestern Amazon. (a) Detail of the eggs in nest 2 and (b) the same nest predated during incubation period. (c) Recently hatched nestling, and (d) five-day-old nestling. (e) Six-day-old and (f) 14-day-old nestling. (g) Nestling with mass of 62 g in the same date of fledging. Photos: (a,b) JL; (c-g): RA.


May mother return in the early light,

Relay my words to her, tell her we’re alright.

Yet, my frail cloth, under the evening mist,

I can’t linger, waiting for a love that may not exist.


Mother’s heart must be cold and dreary,

Yearning for the children who are no longer near.

As my eyelids grow heavy, my spirit takes flight,

Mother, forgive me, for I won’t endure the night.