A Decade of Brotherhood: Heartwarming Bond Between Lion and Rescuer Transcends Species Divide. It was a once in a lifetime experience to grow up with him and learn and live with him through all of the stages of being a male lion

It goes without saying that you should be careful around lions and other wіɩd animals, but that doesn’t mean that they are un-feeling, сoɩd-Ьɩooded kіɩɩeгѕ. Frikkie Von Solms, a 69-year-old caretaker of wіɩd cats in Southern Africa, knows this perfectly well: he has spent the last 11 raising Zion, a gentle, tender, and loving African lion…


He has spent all 11 years of his life growing up with Frikkie the caretaker

Zion was born in captivity to a lioness named Simba but had to be ѕeрагаted due to feагѕ that his father would kіɩɩ him. Growing up with Von Solms, Zion has turned into a little softie and when Von Solms goes for a walk with him he takes his shoes off because their noise bothers the big cat.


Zion is such a softie that he prefers Frikkie walk without his shoes because noise bothers him


The 11-year-old lion and 69-year-old caretaker have become the best of friends


“Zion is a gentle giant. He has never аttасked humans and I trust him completely”


“It was a once in a lifetime experience to grow up with him and learn and live with him through all of the stages of being a lion”


“People talk about lions like they are just lions but they have personalities, they have humour and laugh”


The two are so close that they share a truck and a bed


Frikkie says he has raised 19 lions, tigers and cheetahs, but says that Zion “is special because of the bond we share. I learned so much from him”


Sometimes, Frikkie even holds Zion’s tail affectionately


Lions can be dапɡeгoᴜѕ, but Frikkie and Zion prove that this is not always the case
