A cute puppy encourages his injured brother with head nods, begging him to hold on a little longer

Loyal is an adjective that falls short of the moment that a puppy experienced when he saw his brother injured and in serious trouble.


A short-haired puppy who lived on a vacant lot with his mother and brother suffered trauma to his legs, leaving one of them seriously injured.

When the boys arrived, they found the dog lying on some plastic bags. Although he was obviously injured, he became scared and tried to run away when the volunteers tried to help him.

The puppy needed medical help and they couldn’t provide it from that vacant lot, so they took him to the foundation’s shelter. After an hour, the frightened dog had calmed down and decided to trust the strangers.

After the check-up, it was determined that the dog did not have any fractures, but rather an open wound that needed to be treated. With the help of a syringe, they managed to clean the dog’s paw and face; to prevent infection, they gave him some antibiotics to take.

As the days went by, the puppy gained weight and also a lot of confidence. His recovery was evident, as not only did they treat his injuries but also the weight loss he had when he arrived.

Once the puppy had completed his treatment and was noticeably recovered, he was taken to the paws of his mother and brother. The volunteers baptized him Jimmi and handed him over to his family as a completely healthy furry animal, no more bleeding or pain.

Although the dog had gone out onto the streets, after a month of care at the shelter, the volunteers were committed to closely monitoring Jimmi and his family.