A Brave Puppy Who Lost a Leg and Fought to Survive With Her Brother Finally Finds a Loving Home



Every puppy deserves to grow up surrounded by cuddles and games. However, sometimes fate has the greatest challenges in store for the best warriors, and this was demonstrated by the story of little Roxy.


Roxy didn’t have a home with a family to care for her and her little brother; they both lived under the shelter of their parents: a redbone coonhound and a pitbull terrier. However, her life changed when her little paw got trapped.

Fortunately, the animal rescue foundation This Is Houston stepped in to help. They rescued Roxy and her family, rushing the little girl to the emergency room.

Despite their best efforts, the rescuers and veterinarians were unable to save Roxy’s paw. But little by little, the furry friend showed them that nothing in the world could extinguish her light.

The fate of Roxy’s family took a 360° turn

While the shelter took care of Roxy’s mother, even spaying her father, she recovered well from her surgery and was taken in by a foster human mother.

In a short time, the little girl learned how to move around her foster home with only her three little legs. And she discovered that nothing is impossible when you have the support of a family that protects you.

“Her leg couldn’t be saved, but as you can see, it doesn’t slow her down much,” a This Is Houston spokesperson said.

Despite her physical limitations, she remains very charismatic and playful, she never stops playing, doing tricks and doing things that leave everyone enchanted just by watching her.

The dog’s joy and perseverance made it possible for her balance to be better than ever. In addition, she attended her rehabilitation therapies punctually and her heart managed to heal along with her body.

Her tender little eyes express the beautiful feelings that overflow from her canine heart. She knows how to recognize the love she receives every day, and now she feels lucky despite having gone through hard experiences in her short life.

Roxy’s progress was so great that at just 7 weeks old, the shelter began searching for her new home. She needed to be loved forever and they wanted to make sure she ended up with the best family.

Her sweet personality makes her ideal for living with children and other furry animals. But above all, the shelter’s priority was to find Roxy a new home in Houston, in order to continue her story.

It wasn’t long before a loving family appeared, who were amazed by Roxy’s tenacity. They loved her from the first moment and lived with her constantly to make sure they were destined to form a home.

After having seen that they worked incredibly well together, the couple decided to adopt Roxy, to start a new life for this little dog.

Now, this little girl is enjoying the best part of her life, one where she is surrounded by love and where her parents give everything to keep her safe and happy.
To put an end to their past, the couple renamed Roxy Dixie and she rewards all their protection with her unconditional love.

There is no doubt that even the worst tragedies have a happy ending when you open your heart to the needy animals that live in shelters. Each one of them deserves a home and to be happy!