Loyal dog reunites with former family after waiting 4 years on road, showing unwavering devotion

A faithful little dog has finally found his old family, who he waited for for 4 eternal years on a Thai road. The reaction of the little furry dog ​​was unexpected…


This may seem like an exaggeration to many, but that is what Saowalak Pinnuchawet, a kind 45-year-old woman, has assured. She has taken charge of feeding and caring for the animal after its refusal to go home with her.

Leo was very thin and sick with mange, so the noble woman decided to rescue him and take him home with her so she could take care of him.

The little dog was in great need on the road and she wanted to help him.

However, after a brief stay at the residence, Leo decided to escape the place and somehow figured out how to get back to the same road where Pinnuchawet met him.

Touched by Pinnuchawet’s situation, she was determined to help the creature in some way, so she visited him every day with a little food. She also took care of his grooming, but she knew that Leo wanted to get back on the road and she obliged him.

At the time Leo’s video was posted online, a request was made to please share the footage so that Leo’s parents could be located.

A man named Noi contacted the local that had made the post and told him that Leo was identical to his dog BonBon, who had gotten lost almost four years ago on the same road where the dog in the video had spent the night.

The family believed that BonBon had already passed away and were in for a big surprise when they saw him on the internet. They immediately arranged a meeting to verify if he was their pet who had been lost during a vacation.

The reunion was really emotional, Leo recognized his family and seemed happy. However, at the time of the farewell his heart chose to stay with Pinnuchawet.