High-Speed Drama: Impala Cartwheels into a Termite Mound at 40mph While Fleeing a Cheetah in a Daring Escape Attempt

This is the moment an impala was sent flying through the air in an incredible show of acrobatics as she attempted to avoid a dust-up with a hungry cheetah.

A termitey-mistake: The impala spirals through the air after hitting mound at 40mph while trying to escape a cheetah in Kenya

A termitey-mistake: The impala spirals through the air after hitting mound at 40mph while trying to escape a cheetah in Kenya

Foot race: The contest had been a fairer one between the speedy antelope and the big cat before the prey lost her footing

Foot race: The contest had been a fairer one between the speedy antelope and the big cat before the prey lost her footing

‘The chase turned straight into the direction of our car and the antelope miscalculated the height of a termite mount in its way.

Oh deer: Once the impala hit the termite mound it was game over as the cheetah made up ground as she flew through the air

Nice to eat you: The chase ended with some fast food for the cheetah, who sunk its teeth into its prey in the Maasi-Mara park

Nice to eat you: The chase ended with some fast food for the cheetah, who sunk its teeth into its prey in the Maasi-Mara park