This lion will regret the day he crossed a zebra—after a powerful kick to the face fended off the predator

with one big buck the zebra caught the lion square in the face

with one big buck the zebra caught the lion square in the face

The zebra, blissfully unaware that lions were on the prowl for lunch, casually strolled through grasslands.

The amazing fight between a lion and a very lucky zebra

But as one of the killing machines crept up the zebra was spooked and bolted.

Ducking, diving and weaving: The zebra uses all its strength to fight off the lion before delivering the almighty blow with its legs

The lion swiftly caught up yet, undaunted, the zebra desperately fought to save its life – ducking and weaving to shake off the predator.

And with one big buck the zebra caught the lion square in the face – knocking him to the ground and leaving him humiliated in front of the females of the pride.

The end? The lion easily catches the spooked zebra and grabs onto the back of the desperate animal before sinking his teeth into its flesh

The amazing set of images were captured from the safety of a safari jeep in the Ngorongoro Conservation area of Tanzania by wildlife tour operator Thomas Whetten, 63, of Tucson, USA.

He said: “A lady next to me screamed ‘Run, zebra, run’ but it didn’t take any notice.

“The next we know one is chasing it, jumps on its back but it managed to kick the lion into a mud puddle.

Not this time: The lion, with his jaws wide open and ready, makes a leap at the zebra's leg but he managed to escape its grasp

“It was spectacular – even better than the movies. It’s very rare a zebra gets away without being mauled at all.”

The zebra leaves the lion sprawling in the mud