Her rescuer bravely responds to the man who threw her out of the window and left her immobilized

Scout is a dog whose heartbreaking story is enough to bring anyone to tears. She arrived at a shelter after being thrown out of the window of a moving car.

The man continued driving at full speed and witnesses were shocked to see the enormous damage that had been done to her. As a result, Scout was paralyzed and could not walk like any other dog.

The dog was taken to a shelter and spent two long years of her life there. There was no doubt that she was in better hands than her previous “owner”, but someone with such a difficult health condition needed extra care. Fortunately, Rachel Greydanus came into her life.

Rachel is a 23-year-old recreational therapist. As soon as she heard Scout’s sad story, she wanted to meet her and immediately realized that she was destined to change the sweet dog’s life.

A visit to the vet confirmed that Scout had a severe spinal cord injury. He suffered from parapsia in his hind legs.

This meant that he had such weakness in his lower limbs that he could barely move them. It was a difficult case, but Rachel was not going to give up. Day by day she began to do therapy exercises and over time she achieved what seemed impossible.

Scout received a kind of stroller made to measure for her so that she could walk more comfortably.

This has allowed her to play in a park again and play with other dogs. The best thing of all is that she is a very grateful little furry animal and does not stop rewarding Rachel with a big smile.

Many lamented the terrible damage the dog’s previous owner had done to her. Rachel, however, had something very different to say to the man.

In her letter, Rachel assured her that an eye for an eye is not the solution to any problem. No matter what hardships and pain Scout had to go through, she is now better than ever. She has found her true family and is assured that no one will ever hurt her again.