“I don’t fear you” – Antelope Makes a Stand, Fights Back Against Lion in a Dramatic River Showdown

A lioness and a lechwe lock eyes, their noses almost touching. The stalemate holds. Who will make the first move?

A lioness and a lechwe lock eyes, their noses almost touching. In the Botswana floodplains, the stalemate holds. Who will make the first move?

Lions are known for their predatory skills and their hunting prowess. Witnessing a lion hunt is most definitely special and unique. However, it is not unheard of. Now, a sighting of a lion hunting in water becomes a little rarer.

The flooded grasslands, channels, and islands of Botswana’s Okavango Delta host a well-adapted type of antelope known as lechwe. The lechwe is a fast and agile animal, making it a challenging target for lions. So, despite the large number of lechwe on the Botswana floodplains, lions do not often find success when pursuing these antelope.

“The lions had been lazing around for several hours when one of the lionesses picked up movement in the foreground. A few lechwes were crossing the channel and heading directly toward the lions. We waited in anticipation. The lechwes were getting closer and closer. Just as the lechwes were about to hit land, they picked up the presence of the lions and made a turn.”

“The lechwe played the patience game. Every time the lioness moved closer, he would stand his ground and display aggression. As the lioness became distracted for a split second, it was all the lechwe needed to escape, using the opportunity to create enough time and space to get away. Defeated and somewhat humiliated, the lioness looked on as the lechwe ran off.”

In the end, the standoff between the lioness and the male lechwe is just one chapter in the ongoing cycle of life and death in the floodplains of Botswana. The lions will continue to hunt, and the lechwe will continue to fight for their survival in a constant battle that has been playing out for thousands of years.