Emotional reunion: Pitbull facing sacrifice clings to abandoned family through his beloved stuffed toy, finding comfort and connection

The fact that an innocent pitbull has to face certain death in a shelter, where they should offer her safety, love and protection, is something that we at Zoorprendente find outrageous and will never be able to understand.


“We read the notes left by her owner, who said she had five children and two other dogs, and she couldn’t take care of them all because she had too many pets. It was very sad and devastating,” Jackie said.

She missed her family with all her heart, but was still very social.

Layla truly adored the family’s children, ages 2 and 7, according to the shelter’s Facebook post. And when the family abandoned her, the dog didn’t know what to do.

“She wasn’t doing well. A lot of dogs get stressed out in a shelter because they lost everything they knew. This dog was very close to the children in the house, so it wasn’t surprising that she felt uncomfortable in the shelter,” Jackie said.

“She would carry her stuffed animal around the street or the garden, she would never leave it,” said one of the rescuers, Julie Carner, on Facebook. “Today, that stuffed animal is all she has.”

Layla was not willing to leave her favourite toy behind for even a second.

PBut that stuffed toy couldn’t help Layla much more, she was in a PPP (potentially dangerous dogs) shelter, and if she wasn’t adopted soon, she was going to be euthanized.

She was back to playing and feeling confident.

Layla is waiting for a loving family, with children she can play with and care for, as most dogs seek and want. How happy she is to have a chance to show her affection!

Now she is waiting for a family to adopt her, to care for her and love her.

The shelter wants to raise its voice on behalf of Layla and all dogs of her breed, who, like her, are denied any chance of life simply because they are pitbulls. Enough of this injustice!