Where’s Your Mami? Welsh Family Heroically Rescues Baby Deer Struggling in a Lake, Offering a Lifeline of Love

It’s not every day that a family outing on the boat turns into an opportunity to save an animal’s life. The Welsh family happened to be out on the lake when they spotted a baby deer struggling to stay afloat, treading water far from shore.

As someone on the boat filmed, one of the guys swam out to the tiny fawn and tried to bring her to safety. You could hear her frightened cries.

“Courageous family saves rogue deer from frigid water,” Lyle Welsh explained on Youtube. “Once in a lifetime moment captured by team of un-trained heroes.”

Once they had the little deer close enough, they lifted her into the boat and tried to get her warmed up.

Deer have powerful noses that help moms find their babies again – so hopefully this tiny fawn’s family was nearby, waiting for her to get back on dry land.

The Welsh family pulled their boat close to the shore and carried their furry little passenger back to to safety. She paused for a moment before bounding off happily into the trees. Thanks humans!

It’s not clear how the little deer ended up swimming by herself in the middle of the lake – maybe she got spooked by a noise and panicked – but she sure is lucky to have run into a boat full of animal lovers.