Sick and About to Cross the Rainbow, His Dog Received the Trip of a Lifetime Filled with Love and Joy

And if there is one thing that is certain, it is that the presence of a dog entails a great responsibility, but it is also one of the best experiences that humans can have.


This is the story of a family and their beloved furball, who is 105 dog years old, quite old but with a young heart and ready to continue enjoying the days he has left with those who love him so much.

The family knows that time with their pup is running out, so they decided to escape the cold western rain for a while and organized a special road trip to spend quality time with Poh, their beloved furball.

Poh was able to take in every sight and enjoy the view from a special stroller his family purchased for him. Among the places visited was the iconic Buddha statue at Peace Demesne in Sedona, Arizona.

Poh is so spoiled and loved by his family that on the trip they gave him special little messages for him.

Among her favorite foods is rice with a mixture of supplements, this helps her relieve stomach pain.

He seems to recognize that his family gives him special treatment and enjoys every moment. How nice it is to know that a family took the time to plan a special trip for their little dog.

Even though his little body is tired, he doesn’t stop smiling and conquering everyone with his sweet look.

Nowadays there are many alternatives to travel with our dog. Thanks to the existence of applications and websites we can discover a wide range of possibilities and visit those tourist places together with our mischievous furry friend.

There are many services that offer accommodation, dog daycare, hourly walks, or even dog sitters who are part of the trip.

We love knowing that this family has been informed and decided to give that special trip to a little dog, who with his tenderness and mischief touched their hearts. There is nothing like spending the golden years being pampered and loved until the last of his days.