Leopard Sinks Its Teeth into a Porcupine as Hyenas Lurk, Waiting for Their Chance in a Tense Standoff

This incredible footage was captured by Graeme Mitchley on safari in Kruger National Park.

A leopard was repeatedly jabbed as it attempted to feast on a recently killed porcupine in a tree.

We imagine it was no easy feat consuming a porcupine in the treetops, and things got even more intense as two hungry hyenas wandered by wanting their share of the kill.

Describing the event, Graeme says, “He jumped up and began to eat. It was obvious that eating a porcupine is no easy matter. With every bite came a quill. The meat must be worth the risk I reckoned.

After about 20 minutes, two hyenas came along which forced the leopard even higher into the tree and actually on to his kill which was even more uncomfortable. He growled at them but he was more interested in eating his kill. There was no way he was sharing!”

Unfortunately for the hyenas, the leopard wasn’t willing to share. The videographer continued, “The poor hyenas only received a few quill darts aimed in their direction. The hyenas made me laugh as they lay down and decided to also wait it out.

After photographing and filming this scene for close to an hour, it was time for me to head back to camp. Unfortunately, I didn’t see how the scene played out but I had been given a show of a lifetime.”