Incredible Turnaround: Mongoose Outwits Deadly Boomslang Snake, Turning Predator into Prey in a Daring Tree Encounter

Armed with deadly venom capable of killing humans, the boomslang snake is a feared predator in the wild.

Ambushed: A mongoose climbs a tree and creeps up on a deadly boomslang snake as it prepares to go in for the kill in Namibia

Tables are turned: Armed with deadly venom capable of killing humans, the boomslang snake is a feared predator in the wild

Sensing blood: The mongoose clambers onto the snake and edges closer and closer to the serpent’s head

After climbing the tree, the mongoose clambered onto the snake and edged closer and closer to the serpent’s head.

In its sights: Slithering in vain, the snake tries to shake the mongoose off, but to no avail

Predator to prey: The dramatic encounter was captured by South African photographer Elana Erasmus in Etosha National Park in Namibia

Elana, 48, was on a guided safari at the game reserve in Nambia when she saw the encounter about to unfold.

Fatal blow: Eventually, the mongoose gets close enough to take a bite and sink its teeth into its prey

‘Special sighting’: Elana Erasmus, 48, was on a guided safari at the game reserve in Nambia when she saw the encounter about to unfold

She added: ‘At times, the boomslang would curl itself around the slender mongoose in an attempt to defend itself or possibly to kill it with a snake bite.

Mrs Erasmus said: ‘After a while the boomslang looked tired and worst for wear. It was clear that the mongoose had the upper hand’