Meet the Green Jay: A brilliantly colored bird who brings a welcome splash of bright blue, green, and yellow to the arid areas where it can be found.

Conspicuously Noisy, Curious, And Social, With Spectacular Splashes Of Bright, Gorgeous Green And Yellow Make Him Stand Out That Much More – Meet The Green Jay!


The green jay (Cyanocorax luxuosus), is a species of New World jay that have yellowish-white feathers with blue tips on the top of the head, cheeks, and nape. Their breast and bellies have a vivid yellow hue that fades to cream with older plumage. Their upperparts are rich green. These birds also have large nasal bristles forming a distinct crest.

They also have a thick black bib that moves up to the sides of their head along with a stripe through the eye line and an extra one above.

Females of this species look very similar to males.

These birds live from southern Texas into Mexico and Central America, as well as a broad sweep across northern South America in Colombia and Venezuela.

Green jays prefer to live in brushy wooded areas in lowlands dominated by acacia, ebony, and hackberry. They will also tolerate mesquite brush and stands of short oak trees. In tropical countries, they like humid forests in foothills and lower mountain slopes.

These birds like to dine on a wide variety of insects and other invertebrates, as well as acorns and various cereal-type grains. They will take meat and any human scraps when the opportunity presents itself.

During the breeding season in texas, these birds build a nest built from sticks, thorny twigs, lined with rootlets, grass, moss, and leaves. Cup-shaped it is built by both sexes, into which 3 – 5 eggs are laid and incubated by the female for 17 -18 days. Once hatched both parents feed the young who become fledged after 19 -22 days.

This species has an extremely large range and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence <20,000 km2 combined with a declining or fluctuating range size, habitat extent/quality, or population size and a small number of locations or severe fragmentation).