Amazing Turnaround: Abandoned Elderly Dog Finds Love and a Forever Home Just When All Hope Seemed Lost



On the streets of Birmingham, just days before Christmas last year, an elderly German shepherd-mastiff mix was found abandoned, hungry, and heartbroken. Luckily, this story has a happy ending just in time for this year’s Christmas Day.

 (Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)

The 10-year-old dog, named Molly-Moo, was picked up by West Midlands Police and delivered to the RSPCA. Inspector Steven Lee launched an investigation.

“Poor Molly-Moo was in such a sorry state and looked so sad,” he said. “When you looked in her eyes she seemed broken, like she’d given up hope. It was devastating.

 (Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)

Although Molly-Moo was microchipped and police tracked down the owners, it turns out she was stolen from their garden six years earlier, and they were no longer in a position to take her back.

 (Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)

“I’m glad she can’t talk because I don’t think I could face hearing what she’s been through. Our previous dog had 13 years of bliss and we felt we wanted to give Molly a good end of life.”

 (Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)

It was a toilsome undertaking, John said. They had to bathe her every day and keep on top of her medication. They shampooed her, cleaned her ears, and cleaned up after her as all her scabs fell off and fur came out.

 (Courtesy of <a href="">RSPCA</a>)

Today, Molly-Moo is like a totally different dog, John added. Her fur’s grown back and her ears have healed. Now, her skin is soft, and she’s also much happier.

“We can let her off the lead and she toddles around the park socializing with other dogs,” the owner said. “She’s really turned a corner and is very happy, sweet-natured, and well-behaved.