Adorable Moment: Lost Donkey Named Squishy Found on Busy Road, Police Officer Gives Him a Ride to Safety

A police officer in Norman, Oklahoma, got a very strange call on Tuesday about a suspicious individual wandering around a local neighborhood — but not just any individual … a donkey.

Norman police officer rescues, transports donkey

The seemingly lost donkey, nicknamed Squishy, was found along a busy road, and the concerned police officer didn’t want him to get hit by oncoming traffic. So, he gave him a ride.


The woman who found Squishy was kind enough to let him stay on her property until his real owners could be located.

Seeing a donkey in the back of a police cruiser is certainly a sight to behold for bystanders, but it sounds like it was even more of an adventure for the officer driving the car.

Look: Police wrangle loose donkey wandering through Missouri yards -

Officer Kyle Canaan told CNN that Squishy made himself very comfortable — and went to the bathroom in the back of his car. Oops.