Emaciated Puppy Miraculously Survives and Saves a Child with Autism from the Abyss with Her Unconditional Love

When one poor puppy was found, she was so emaciated and skeletal that she was given only a 1% chance of survival.


Everyone who saw the photos of her rescue after being cruelly dumped on a road were truly horrified.

Xena was found by Animal Services in Creek, Georgia, USA, in such a pitiful physical condition that the rescuers burst into tears just by looking at her.

Poor little Xena, at just 4 months old, was on the brink of starvation. She had spent much of her short life in a cage before being dumped like waste on the side of the road.

But thanks to the endless loving care of all the volunteers, she began to recover quickly.

However, her condition was still delicate, so the volunteers created a Facebook page to document and share the story of little “Xena, the warrior puppy,” as well as asking the entire community for help.

Later, the animal shelter created a foundation in Xena’s honor. The goal is to raise the money and resources needed to change stories like Xena’s, who was now strong enough to thank the good people who helped her.

Si bien ya tenían experiencia con perros, realmente se aventuraron a adoptar a Xena, ya que el pequeño Johnny no tenía ningún vínculo emocional con nadie, ni con sus padres, ni con sus otras mascotas.

“Xena immediately climbed onto his lap and started licking him and Jonny was letting her. Within seconds, he was telling her he loved her,” Linda said through tears.

Somehow, when Linda saw Xena at the shelter and after following her entire story on social media, she knew that her son and the dog were destined to save each other.

Xena’s presence and love had such a positive influence on the little boy that he began to talk and come out of his shell and the deep abyss from which he would have hardly escaped without her help.

Now Jonny talks to Xena all the time, and they have become inseparable best friends and partners in mischief, supporting each other in everything they do.

Through their Facebook page, together they continue to spread a message of compassion for both animals and people with autism across the planet.

Although Xena’s life is marked by a cruel past, today she blesses Jonny’s life and his parents can only celebrate the miracle they thought would never come into their lives.