Life Is Beautiful! Miracle Elephant with Hole in Her Head Thrives in the Wild, Defies Odds, and Joyfully Gives Birth to Healthy Calf

Elephant with a hole in its head

An elephant with a massive hole in her forehead would be unlikely to survive, but not Rhandzekile. Here is an elephant who has shocked vets and experts for continuing to survive with a hole in her upper trunk through which she breathes instead of the tip of her trunk. This congenital abnormality has made Rhandzekile not just famous in Africa, but a living miracle.

Elephant with hole in head

Rhandzekile, whose name means ‘Loved’ in Shangaan, lives in Kruger National Park in South Africa. She has been on NGO, Elephants Alive’s ID radar for over ten years because of her unique characteristic, a hole in her upper trunk.

The huge cavity that has shocked many is believed to be congenital. This magnificient and resilient female elephant has astonished animal researchers with her survival skills,  especially since her abnormality, like an injury sometimes gets infected.


Typically, elephants breathe through their trunks for at least 70% of their breathing, but Rhandzekile breathes through the hole in her upper trunk instead. The way she has adapted to her condition is extraordinary. Even drinking is an effort where she drinks without the usual sucking force provided by the trunk.


Vets and rescue staff from Elephants Alive monitor Rhandzekile’s whereabouts to administer medical attention when she needs it although sometimes, she goes off their radar disappearing for days.

Rhandzekile with baby

Shortly after the treatment, Rhandzekile gave birth to a calf, marking a significant milestone in her journey despite her unique condition. The incident while not documented was incredible because it proved even more how Rhandzekile insisted on living life as normally as she could

Rhandzekile recent sighting

Apart from the hole in her trunk, Rhandzekile has other distinctive features. Her eyes are more slanted, with skin pulling inward from the hole to her eyes and deep folds below her ears. A permanent wet stain of mucus runs down her trunk from the hole, another indicator of her unique condition.

Rhandzekile drinking water

Screenshot from Elephant with HOLE in HEAD. Source: YouTube, Upload: Natural Video Jaunpur

Thanks to the exceptional rainfall this year, Rhandzekile has had no issues feeding. She drinks by sucking up water that doesn’t reach the hole and then spraying it into her mouth by bending and lifting her trunk.

Elephant with hole in head

Screenshot from Elephant with HOLE in HEAD. Source: YouTube, Upload: Natural Video Jaunpur

Rhandzekile’s unique situation has provided an opportunity to observe her life in detail. Her cohesion with her herd and adaptability offer new insights into elephant behavior.

Sightings of Rhandzekile

Though Rhandzekile and her herd have moved on, the team remains hopeful of encountering her again, continuing to track and learn from her remarkable journey. In April 2021, Rhandzekile appeared east of Boulders Lodge. This location adds to the list of areas she has traversed, including the Greater Kruger National Park.

Screenshot from Elephant Survives with Hole in Her Trunk. Source: YouTube, Upload: Compass Media

In 2023, Rhandzekile was spotted in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve in good condition. The community has been actively sending photos and location details, helping to track her journey.

Rhandzekile with herd

In a recent sighting, Rhandzekile appeared east of Boulders Lodge. This location adds to the list of areas she has traversed, including the Greater Kruger National Park. Rhandzekile’s fame has found her several volunteers who including field guides, trackers, and guests, who have played a crucial role in monitoring her condition and movements