A Fierce Battle Unfolded as Man Recorded Leopard Stalking Baby Wild Boar, Capturing Dramatic Survival Instincts in Unexpected Encounter

leopard fights wild boar

While visiting Yala National Park, a fierce battle unfolded in the most unexpected way while a man was recording a leopard stalking a baby wild boar. His camera captured a dramatic interaction between the leopard and wild boars, an encounter which showcased the intense survival instincts of both animals.


The leopard noticed a group of wild boars eating under a tree, unaware of the lurking danger. The leopard began to tiptoe closer from behind the tall grass, keeping a keen eye out for a wild catch.


As soon as the wild boars noticed the leopard, they became alert and as an impulsive reaction, they began to run for their lives! This in turn triggered a chase, with the leopard in hot pursuit.

The leopard chased the wild boars until they came toward a tree, where some boars scattered, but a group of them turned to face the leopard. Faced with the sudden confrontation, the leopard climbed the tree for safety and maybe even to execute plan B!

The wild boars stood at the foot of the tree, trying to catch the leopard or chase it away. They were determined to defend themselves from the aggressive danger. This standoff created a tense atmosphere in the forest.


When the boars were momentarily unaware, the leopard, being a cunning predator, acted quickly. It descended the tree and grabbed the nearest boar with it’s powerful canines. This surprise move initiated a fierce struggle between the boar and the leopard.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

Both the leopard and the wild boar fought fiercely for their survival. The battle was intense, with each animal trying to overpower the other. It was a brutal display of nature’s harsh realities.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

The wild boar fought desperately to escape the leopard’s strong grip. It continuously kicked its feet and struggled for its life, however, despite its efforts, the boar eventually succumbed.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

The leopard did not relent even for a minute during the fight. It maintained a firm hold on the boar until it was killed. This persistence ensured the leopard’s courageous victory.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

After the boar died, the leopard carried its prey, or prize, to be precise, down from the tree and further into the forest. It had won a fierce battle and secured a meal for itself.

Wild boars are known to be aggressive and can mortally wound leopards in such encounters. This makes the leopard’s victory even more remarkable because an adult male leopard can often catch larger wild boars.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

This battle between the leopard and the wild boar was not staged. It was a genuine encounter in the wild, which, by accident, was caught on camera. Such raw interactions highlight the unpredictability and the wild side of nature.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

Leopards are usually known for their skilled and vicious hunting. This leopard showed incredible courage by grabbing a boar from the middle of the group, showcasing its hunting prowess in full display.

Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

As a lone predator, the leopard’s actions were remarkable. It took on a group of wild boars without hesitation. It trusted its own bravery over the situation.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

Such incidents are rarely seen in Yala National Park. This makes the recorded event even more unique. It provides a rare glimpse into the lives of these wild animals.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

The interaction between the leopard and the wild boars was pure drama. It was a stark reminder of the survival struggles in the animal kingdom. This raw display of nature is both fascinating and sobering.


Screenshot from: Leopard attacks baby wild boar. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: cp wild Lanka.

The leopard’s persistence paid off in the end. Its determination ensured it secured a meal. This power of persistence is a key trait of successful predators.


Witnessing this event was like seeing nature’s fury firsthand. The intensity of the battle was a stark reminder of the wild’s harsh realities. It was an awe-inspiring yet humbling experience.