Unbelievable Encounter: Photographer Captures Jaw-Dropping Jaguar Showdown Over Territory, a Stunning and Terrifying Scene on a Brazilian Riverbank

This is the moment two jaguars face off in a vicious fight over territory.

One remarkable shot shows the long fangs of the jaguar, trying to warn off the intruder with a thundering roar as the pair clashed while hunting by a river in Brazil.

Photographer Reynaldo Leite Martins Junior caught the moment two male jaguars fought on a riverbank in Brazil

At first the animals were wary as they circled each other

Then one of the beasts bared his fangs as he let out a terrifying roar

And leapt dramatically into the air in a bid to injure its opponent during the standoff

Dentist and wildlife photographer, Reynaldo Leite Martins Junior, 53, from Mato Grosso, Brazil, took the photographs from a boat as he tracked one of the jaguars during its hunt.

The pair fought ferociously for supremacy on the river bank each trying to land a vicious definitive blow

But said Mr Martins the encounter only lasted five minutes before the naturally solitary creatures went their separate ways

He added: ‘Witnessing the encounter on a beach, in plain view, was a magical moment that released a significant amount of adrenaline and endorphins into my body.

And the losing beast slunk away to link his wounds