Diver’s Heartbreak: Discovering an Innocent Creature Trapped in an Underwater Cage, Fighting for Its Life Against All Odds

A group of divers were totally after finding 2 dugongs, rare marine mammals, trapped in the shallow ocean floor when they were diving in Kokoya, Indonesia.


One diver, Delom Lim, said that they found a mother dugong and her calf, that are recognized as sea cows, placed in separate crates! It appeared that they were used for profit from the tourism by local fishermen, that took money from tourists to let them take pictures of them!

No one knows how many days the sea cows have actually been trapped, but it appeared from the deep scars on their tails that they have been there for weeks!

The dugongs were being held in separate cages by fishermen who wanted to charge tourists to see them

The divers tried so tough to establish the unusual animals free, but the captors refused! So, the animals were finally set free by the wildlife authorities.