New article updated: Nasa discovered 300 Earth-like planets. Only one has enough conditions to replace the Earth



The NASA Kepler space telescope has identified at least 300 million planets in the galaxy that are potentially habitable.

Within the Milky Way, NASA has discovered 300 million habitable planets with liquid water!



In a new article updated on NASA’s website, NASA research suggests that many of these habitable planets (called exoplanets) may be our “interstellar” neighbors. clarified. There are at least four exoplanets that could be within 30 light-years of the Sun, with the closest being 20 light-years away.

The search for Earth-like, potentially habitable planets occupies a unique position in the field of space exploration. Our home planet has always been distinguished from its galactic neighbors by a large supply of liquid water. Without liquid water, many life forms on Earth would never have formed.

NASA has therefore determined that the planet is potentially habitable, including its ability to support liquid water, radii 0.5 and 1.5 times Earth’s, rockiness on the planet, and similarities between planetary stars and Earth’s Sun. We have considered many factors that are considered Age and temperature, and finally, how much light the star emits and how much the planet can absorb.




A shocking NASA finding has called into question our home’s galactic uniqueness. In this video, we show you what a remarkable discovery the space agency’s researchers uncovered within the Milky Way and what makes it so unique.