Miracle Pup: Puppy Astoundingly Survives a 30-Mile Journey Hidden in a Car Engine. How It Is Possible?

dog in car engine

A puppy named BonBon climbed into a car engine compartment and took a 30-mile car ride. Carrie Lippert Gillaspie/TikTok

This miracle mutt survived a very far-fetched journey.

Cute pup takes a 25-mile ride in a car's engine bay - Autoblog

A 4-month-old dog managed to climb its way into a car’s engine compartment and ended up taking a 30-mile ride with its driver, who had no idea she had a furry stowaway.

pictured is Ashely, the woman whose car this is

Gillaspie heard whimpering coming from the vehicle in a parking lot. Carrie Lippert Gillaspie/TikTok

Newman, a community coordinator at the Royals, had driven from Kansas to Missouri with the canine, named BonBon, tucked inside her car.

At first, Newman and Gillaspie did not know how to proceed.

“She looked so happy to see us, but we still had no idea way to get her out,” Gillaspie said in a TikTok post describing the ordeal.

They enlisted a team of their Royals coworkers, including lead mechanical technician Dennis Miller, to free BonBon.

“We were able to take the under trim off and get her free,” Miller told the outlet. “It was huge relief. I have a dog of my own. I was thinking how I would feel if she went missing.”

The puppy may require surgery on her toes because of the accident. Carrie Lippert Gillaspie/TikTok

dog in car engine

The Royals’ lead mechanical technician Dennis Miller helped to free the stowaway BonBon. Carrie Lippert Gillaspie/TikTok

BonBon was then brought to the Kansas City Pet Project, a nonprofit specializing in animal care, while Newman scoured Facebook to see if anyone who lived near her was missing a dog.

dog in car engine

Ashley Newman, the owner of the car, embraced BonBon after they freed her from the engine. Carrie Lippert Gillaspie/TikTok