A Heart-Wrenching Rescue: Kind Stranger Finds Orphaned Cub Clinging to Her Dead Mother, Alone and Crying 400 Miles Away

Adorable orphaned bear cub rescued by anonymous hero after being found hugging her dead mother in the wild

Tahoe was left on the driveway of a rescue center following a call from an anonymous tipster to say she was there.

The kind-hearted rescuer was sparing with details, but said he found the cub crying and hugging her dead mother more than 400 miles away and could not leave her there.

An orphaned baby bear was left at a rescue center after a kind-hearted stranger found the cub hugging her dead mother

Tahoe was found in a kennel, wrapped in a blanket on the driveway at the rescue centre following a call from an anonymous tipster to say she was there

The rescuer was sparing with details but said he found the cub crying and hugging her dead mother more than 400 miles away and could not leave her there

Staff at the Bear League in California have now cared for adorable Tahoe for nearly one month and will release her back into the wild when she should be ready next year.

It is believed the man who called is the same person who dropped her off on April 16 because he knew the color of her blanket.

Although the man told the Bear League that authorities told him to leave the bear alone, he said that his conscience would not allow him to walk away and leave her to die.

Staff at the Bear League in California have now cared for adorable Tahoe for nearly one month and will release her back into the wild when she should be ready next year

It is believed the man who called is the same person who dropped her off on April 16 because he knew the colour of her blanket and the exact kennel she was left in

Although the man told the Bear League that authorities told him to leave the bear alone, he said that his conscience would not allow him to walk away and leave her to die

Bear League employees brought Tahoe to the Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Centre where she was examined by a vet and deemed to be healthy at 5.4 pounds and about 10 weeks old

The Bear League’s Facebook page has since been dedicated to updating Tahoe’s fans with her developments.

‘Soon she will learn how to lap her formula out of a bowl, but there will be lots of messes made in the process,’ read one post.

Ann Bryant, executive director of the Bear League, has called on the mysterious hero to come forward so they can decide where to drop Tahoe off next Spring or Summer when she is big enough.

The caller previously told the Bear League he found the baby bear near the Humboldt Redwoods State Park, which is nearly 400 miles away from the facility.