Gruesome Series: Crocodile Struggles to Eat Impala, Waves it in the Air, Then Moves to Dam Where Allies Help Rip it Apart

This hapless crocodile was forced to share his meal with his friends after struggling to rip apart his prey by himself.

The crocodile was successful in his hunt for a meal and began trying to tear up the impala in South Africa 

The crocodile was successful in his hunt for a meal and began trying to tear up the impala in South Africa

Crocodiles often throw their prey around to try and make it more manageable to eat like here 

Crocodiles often throw their prey around to try and make it more manageable to eat like here

Full swing: The impala is thrown around but to no avail as it is just too big for this crocodile to handle 

Full swing: The impala is thrown around but to no avail as it is just too big for this crocodile to handle

But his fellow crocodiles wanted to a slice of the food action and so forced him to share.

On the move: The hungry crocodile decides to take its catch to land so it can have another go at eating its prey

On the move: The hungry crocodile decides to take its catch to land so it can have another go at eating its prey

On land: Still struggling to rip apart the impala, other crocodiles become interested in the food on offer 

On land: Still struggling to rip apart the impala, other crocodiles become interested in the food on offer

Two's company, three's a crowd: As the feasting began, more diners pitched up hoping for some impala 

Two’s company, three’s a crowd: As the feasting began, more diners pitched up hoping for some impala

Tear and share: The crocodiles - now four in number - cut up the animal so they can each get their lunches

Tear and share: The crocodiles – now four in number –  cut up the animal so they can each get their lunches

‘To do this crocodiles normally either whip it in the air to try and split it in two or offer it to other crocodiles that will grip a piece in their mouths and spin ripping a chuck off which us what we see in this series.