Unbreakable bond: Two puppies join forces to save each other and become inseparable companions in a touching story of friendship

We cannot deny that life for many stray dogs is difficult, they are exposed not only to the dangers that life offers, but they must tolerate the apathy of many people who are indifferent to their situation.


Jeremiah and Neal are part of that group that managed to avoid the tragic end after being rescued from a shelter in Texas.

Jeremiah, the little black dog, seemed to find comfort in Neal, the bigger dog. When Neal laid down on the ground, Jeremiah simply followed him and lay on his chest as if trying to find comfort in an older brother.

However, their destiny changed when Haven, a kind soul, saw in them two little domestic dogs who deserved a new chance.

Haven contacted Stracey Silverstein, the founder of Rescue Dog Rock in New York, who upon hearing the case did not deny the request and acted quickly to save them.

The three dogs had sarcotic mange, which required a long recovery process. Jeremiah suffered from an eye ulcer that required emergency treatment or could cause blindness. Neal and Jeremiah are still as connected as the first day, together they have decided to fight for their lives.

Little Jeremiah seems to be very happy to be able to face this long battle with a friend he found along the way, and that life made them brothers to be able to overcome the battle and enjoy a second chance.

I hope they can stay together the rest of their lives and fill the life of a family with love, that accepts them, respects them, but above all, helps them forget the emotional wounds that the past left them. For now, they continue to improve satisfactorily.

No dog deserves to go through so much misery and pain. It is necessary to create awareness campaigns and promote the adoption of those furry dogs who, due to their past, find it difficult to find a loving home.