Unearthing Mysteries: Ancient Stone from ‘Lost’ Civilization Discovered, Dating Back to 600 B.C

Archeologists in Spain have recently uncovered an ancient rock slab with an alphabet inscribed that predates the Rosetta Stone by roughly 400 years.

Excavations at Casas del Turuñuelo - where the tablet was found - have been underway for at least six years, according to CSIC officials

The discovery in southwest Spain is believed to be associated with the ancient, Paleo-Hispanic civilization of Tartessos and is only the third piece of evidence of an alphabet among the people, according to Fox News.

An ancient writing stone was recently found in Spain.

Discovered at an archeological site in Casas del Turuñuelo of the Badajoz province, the eight-inch rock is believed to have been chiseled as early as 600 B.C. That is hundreds of years ahead of the Rosetta Stone in Egypt from 196 B.C.

The tablet's carvings, which date back to about 600 and 400 B.C., appear to show repeated and overlaid illustrations of faces, geometric shapes and three warriors in a combat scene, as officials revealed in their preliminary photos

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) identified “what appears to be a sequence of 21 signs drawn within the framework of the tablet on which figures were also found of warriors.”

University of Barcelona researcher Joan Ferrer i Jané said that “other strokes compatible with signs of a known sequence [were also seen].”

The stone was found at an ancient archeological site where a "lost" civilization in Spain once lived centuries ago.

The stone was found at an ancient archeological site where a “lost” civilization in Spain once lived centuries ago. Europa Press via Getty Images

“This alphabet has 27 signs and is the only complete one we know to date,” he added, saying this “would provide a lot of information.”

Archaeologists who have reviewed the tablet now theorize that it was like a scratch pad, or sketch book, used by artisans to practice these images and symbols before engraving a finished product on more valued materials like gold, ivory or wood

However, the artifact, missing a triangular shard on one of its sides, appears to be incomplete.

“At least 6 signs would have been lost in the split area of the piece,” said Jané.

The stone is still missing an important piece that could reveal more about the society's written language.

The stone is still missing an important piece that could reveal more about the society’s written language. CSIC

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Adding to the mystery, there could even be potential to uncover more parts of the ancient language within the missing piece.

“If it were completely symmetrical and the signs completely occupied three of the four sides of the plate it could reach 32 signs.”