Nature’s Fury Unleashed: Golden Eagle’s Astonishing Attack on Mountain Goat, Captured in a Brutal, Rarely Filmed Alpine Drama

This is the astonishing moment a golden eagle thrusts its talons into a mountain goat’s neck before lifting the flailing animal in their air and dropping it to its death in the Italian Alps.

Despite the adult chamois goat weighing five times more than the golden eagle, extraordinary footage shows the predator tackling the unsuspecting animal to the ground from above.

The ‘brutal’ killing of the mountain goat (seen before the attack), a phenomenon which has never been filmed before according to the BBC , will feature in Sunday’s episode of Sir David Attenborough’s Frozen Planet II series

This is the astonishing moment a golden eagle thrusts its talons into a mountain goat’s neck before lifting the flailing animal in their air and dropping it to its death in the Italian Alps

But video shows the golden eagle sinking its talons into the neck of an adult chamois goat and dragging it along the rocks by a cliff edge

Despite the adult chamois goat weighing five times more than the golden eagle, extraordinary footage shows the predator tackling the unsuspecting animal to the ground from above

The episode, called Frozen Peaks, shows footage of a mating pair of eagles plucking baby chamois goats from the cliffs in the Italian cliffs and dropping them to their deaths before eating their remains.

But as the summer ended, much to the surprise of the film crew, a golden eagle was seen attacking an adult chamois goats in footage shared on BBC Breakfast this morning.

The predator then manages to drag the goat into the air before dropping it mid-air, leaving the animal to plunge to its death

Footage shows the golden eagle managing to fly whilst carrying the goat

The golden eagle is then seen letting go of the mountain goat as it falls down the cliff edge

The mountain goat is seen falling to its death after the eagle dropped it from a height

Usually, golden eagles attack baby chamois goats and other medium-sized mammals such as rabbits, hares and grouse (file image of chamois goat)

The two eagles were then seen feasting on the carcass of the mountain goat.