Heartwarming Connection: Rare White Lioness Raised by Humans Meets Boy Cub in Adorable Play Date to Build Her Social Skills

An adorable eleven-week-old white lion cub has found an equally cute playmate after a rough start in life.

The incredibly rare white Transvaal lioness had to be taken into human care when she was born after her mother’s milk dried up.

Mane man: The eleven-week-old white lioness has a new playmate - a 13-week-old cub from another Zoo in Hungary

Mane man: The eleven-week-old white lioness has a new playmate – a 13-week-old cub from another Zoo in Hungary

Lion around: The incredibly rare white cub is pictured scratching her face with her paw on Thursday while cuddling up to a toy tiger 

Lion around: The incredibly rare white cub is pictured scratching her face with her paw on Thursday while cuddling up to a toy tiger

Her caretaker, Anikó Herlicska, feeds her six times a day with 50 ml of formula milk each time and gives her cod liver oil and gut flora supplement.

Lion cubs will have the special light beige colour, which appears white, only if both of their parents possess the same gene producing this rare fur colouration.

The white-coloured animals belong to one population found in the wild in South Africa.

Sniffing him out:  The white cub checked out her new playmate at the zoo in Hungary this week 

Sniffing him out:  The white cub checked out her new playmate at the zoo in Hungary this week

Ball skills: The thirteen-week-old lion cub was borrowed from nearby Gyongyos Zoo so the white lioness could make friends

Big cat: The cute creature pawed at a tennis ball attached to a rope inside her area at the zoo 

Big cat: The cute creature pawed at a tennis ball attached to a rope inside her area at the zoo

It's a hard life: The cub yawned and stretched out after an energetic play date with the white lioness on Thursday 

It’s a hard life: The cub yawned and stretched out after an energetic play date with the white lioness on Thursday

Teething: The lioness clings on to the tennis ball with her teeth. Her mother gave birth to her in Sóstó Zoo this year

Teething: The lioness clings on to the tennis ball with her teeth. Her mother gave birth to her in Sóstó Zoo this year