Australia isn’t real land and People who live there are paid by NASA for horrible purposes, Flat Earthers claim - Media News 48

Australia isn’t real land and People who live there are paid by NASA for horrible purposes, Flat Earthers claim

A rising number of individuals seem to believe that the earth is, in fact, flat. But it gets better. They also claim that Australia is a fake.

According to a popular Facebook rant, the whole country (and, by extension, the 24 million people who reside there) is a hoax. The idea was revived during a recent meeting of so-called Flat Earthers in Birmingham when over 200 individuals gathered to certify that the Earth is nothing more than a huge pancake.




The “fake Australia” post first appeared on Reddit in 2017 and was authored by Shelley Floryd. However, it seems to be returning to the minds of the spherically challenged at the minute.

The rant goes: “Australia is not real. It’s a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again. It’s a coverup [sic] for one of the greatest mass murders in history.”



Moreover, the post reckons that all Australians are nothing more than computer-generated personas or paid actors hired by NASA and if you’ve ever been Down Under yourself: “you’re terribly wrong”.


Surprisingly, the pilots seem to be all in on it – and have been flying you to areas of South America for years. Flat Earth beliefs have been debunked by almost everyone capable of logical thinking, yet the notion is now experiencing a revival.

Over 200 conspiracy theorists met in Birmingham at a hotel for the UK’s first Flat Earth Convention. The three-day conference included nine speakers who took the stage to share their theories about why the Earth is flat.



According to The Telegraph, Dave Marsh, an NHS worker who spoke at the conference, said: “My research destroys big bang cosmology.

“It supports the idea that gravity doesn’t exist and the only true force in nature is electromagnetism.”

While NASA has used GPS, satellites, and photos from space to verify that the Earth is round, Flat Earth enthusiasts claim that they have proof that the space agency is lying.



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