Predator Turned Prey: Lioness Roars in Pain as Plucky Hyena Seizes Opportunity During Breakfast Wildebeest Hunt

The lioness appeared to roar out in pain as the hyena’s sharp teeth sank into her behind.

The wildebeest’s huge carcass was quickly surrounded by a whole cast of hungry animals who all wanted their share of meat – and were prepared to take on a eight-strong pride of lions to get it.

A brave bite: A plucky hyena was photographed sinking its teeth into a lioness's behind as it tried to meddle in on her breakfast. 

A brave bite: A plucky hyena was photographed sinking its teeth into a lioness’s behind as it tried to meddle in on her breakfast.

Paws off my food: The lioness was part of an eight-strong pride that had killed the large wildebeest and were forced to share their food.

Hyenas, jackals and even some seemingly vengeful wildebeest all encroached on the scene.

The fascinating photographs, which were taken just after sunrise, show the normal hierarchy of the animal kingdom called into question.

Outnumbered: The lioness suffered painful wounds as the hyenas tackled her out of the way so they could get to her food. 

Outnumbered: The lioness suffered painful wounds as the hyenas tackled her out of the way so they could get to her food.

Tagging along: Eyewitness Alun James said the scene at Naboisho Conservancy in Kenya's Masai Mara game reserve was like a 'high stakes game of poker' in which 'the lions blinked first'.

Tagging along: Eyewitness Alun James said the scene at Naboisho Conservancy in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve was like a ‘high stakes game of poker’ in which ‘the lions blinked first’.

Feeding frenzy: Despite the pride's hard work, they were forced to share their kill with a greedy gang of hyenas and jackals. 

Feeding frenzy: Despite the pride’s hard work, they were forced to share their kill with a greedy gang of hyenas and jackals.

'My turn': The lioness refused to give up and fought off the smaller animals for a bite. 'The battle ebbed and flowed with no animal in possession for more than a matter of minutes,' said Mr James.

‘My turn’: The lioness refused to give up and fought off the smaller animals for a bite. ‘The battle ebbed and flowed with no animal in possession for more than a matter of minutes,’ said Mr James.

Opportunists: Sensing an opening, a dozen or so jackals arrived to join the drama and tucked in alongside the hyenas.

Opportunists: Sensing an opening, a dozen or so jackals arrived to join the drama and tucked in alongside the hyenas.

Watching on: Buffalo bulls surrounded the carcass and watched the animals devour the kill.

Watching on: Buffalo bulls surrounded the carcass and watched the animals devour the kill.