Heartwarming Bond: Goats Perch on Friendly Rhinos’ Backs at Wildlife Sanctuary to Graze on Leafy Branches

In order to reach the green leaves on the trees at the park, the goats have learnt how to climb onto the backs of their larger friends.

A new video has shown the ease with which the sure-footed creatures clamber onto the rhinos to nibble on the lower branches.

A group of goats and rhinos have formed an unlikely alliance in a wildlife sanctuary in South Africa

A group of goats and rhinos have formed an unlikely alliance in a wildlife sanctuary in South Africa

The goats have learnt how to climb onto the backs of their larger friends to reach the leaves on the trees 

The goats have learnt how to climb onto the backs of their larger friends to reach the leaves on the trees

Despite the rhino’s reputation for being a quick-tempered animal, they don’t seem to bat an eyelid when used like a living climbing frame.

The rhinos don't seem to bat an eyelid when used like a living climbing frame 

The rhinos don’t seem to bat an eyelid when used like a living climbing frame

The sanctuary, founded by Petronel Nieuwoudt, operates from a farm in Mpumalanga, South Africa 

The sanctuary, founded by Petronel Nieuwoudt, operates from a farm in Mpumalanga, South Africa

All animals including orphaned, abandoned, injured and displaced indigenous birds, mammals and reptiles are looked after until they can be re-introduced back into the wild.