Heartwarming Rescue: Canadian Locals Use Chainsaw, Rope, and Sheer Determination to Free Moose from Frozen Lake

And this moose found itself in a spot of serious trouble when the ice collapsed below and the water began to freeze around it as it struggled to get out.

But help was at hand in the shape of a group of kind-hearted locals.

A terrified moose slipped through ice and was trapped in frozen Muncho Lake for 45 minutes before an incredible rescue

A terrified moose slipped through ice and was trapped in frozen Muncho Lake for 45 minutes before an incredible rescue

The female moose, weighing nearly 36 stone, bobbed her head above the icy water and awaited to be freed from the ice

The female moose, weighing nearly 36 stone, bobbed her head above the icy water and awaited to be freed from the ice

Passing travellers, truck drivers and locals came to her rescue using a chainsaw and rope

Passing travellers, truck drivers and locals came to her rescue using a chainsaw and rope

The animal had been trapped in frozen Muncho Lake in northern British Columbia, Canada for 45 minutes before a group of passing travellers, truck drivers and locals spotted her bobbing head above the ice.

Rescuers cut ice around her and then tied a rope around the trapped animal before a team of eight pulled her out by hand

Rescuers cut ice around her and then tied a rope around the trapped animal before a team of eight pulled her out by hand

The rescue took four attempts before she was successfully pulled free from the frozen lake

The rescue took four attempts before she was successfully pulled free from the frozen lake

Lucky to be alive! Once the moose was freed and the rope was cut from her neck she had a few injuries from the incident

Lucky to be alive! Once the moose was freed and the rope was cut from her neck she had a few injuries from the incident

Working on perilously thin ice and with a potentially aggressive moose, the rescuers were well aware of the challenging conditions they faced.

Working on perilously thin ice and with a potentially aggressive moose, the rescuers were well aware of the challenging conditions they faced

Working on perilously thin ice and with a potentially aggressive moose, the rescuers were well aware of the challenging conditions they faced

Chris Gale, a Canadian wildlife and nature photographer (above), photographed the ordeal as his friends rescued the animal

Chris Gale, a Canadian wildlife and nature photographer (above), photographed the ordeal as his friends rescued the animal

Chris said the moose walked into the mountains and stopped to look back 'like she was saying thanks' before continuing her journey

Chris said the moose walked into the mountains and stopped to look back ‘like she was saying thanks’ before continuing her journey