New Geological Discovery: Petrified Wood Containing Turquoise Opal Found In Australia, Queensland - Media News 48

New Geological Discovery: Petrified Wood Containing Turquoise Opal Found In Australia, Queensland

When you think about it if a person from the past were to see such an object with their own hands, how could they not believe that it was the result of magic? Even nowadays there are less informed people that would assume so too.



This petrified wood has been discovered underneath volcanic ashfall and according to experts this ash buried the plants around and protected them from insects and decay.



The ash also turned into dissolved silica with time which made the wood look so shiny and out of this world.



If you are looking for opal, then Australia is the place to be and the Boulder Opal is among the most peculiar ones you can find. It is also called the “Rainbow Tree” because this rare stone can display the entire range of colors from a rainbow. In Australia, mines have been producing opal since the 1890s and they quickly developed an industry around it. The most widespread use of opal is to produce pieces of jewelry, but many also use it as a source for crystal therapy and balancing energies in the human body.



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