8 Immortal Lords Ruled Earth For 240,000 Years – The Sumerian King List Unveiled - Media News 48

8 Immortal Lords Ruled Earth For 240,000 Years – The Sumerian King List Unveiled

A number of wise creatures came down to govern Earth, according to the Sumerian King List. How is it possible…


A number of wise creatures came down to govern Earth, according to the Sumerian King List. How is it possible that they ruled for 242,100 years in total?

An ancient stone tablet inscribed in Sumerian is known as the Sumerian King List. It provides information about the kings of Sumer, an area that included what is now southern Iraq, including their names and the duration of their reigns.

The names of historical rulers and cities are included in the last section of the King List, which was assembled from a number of separate clay tablets, although this article is not concerned with them. The early, undocumented rulers on the list have greater fascination for the group of people who study forbidden history.

The first eight kings on the list, often referred to as antediluvian monarchs, had a combined reign of 242,100 years during a fictitious time before the great flood engulfed the region. Because no archaeological finds have been uncovered that may conceivably substantiate the remarkable claims made by the stone tablets, most scholars reject the reality of these rulers and their unnaturally long reigns. But the cuneiform text is still present:

“The kingdom was in Eridug after it came down from heaven. Alulim was crowned king of Eridug and reigned for 28800 years.

The scepter passed into Alalngar’s hands when the first celestial king’s reign came to an end, and he ruled for 36,000 years. He was followed by En-men-lu-ana, who ruled for a staggering 43,200 years. The shortest of the following five monarchs’ reigns, which lasted “just” 18,600 years, was all quite lengthy.

The Great Flood, which some people regard as a worldwide disaster, ended the mythological monarchs’ rule.

“The kingship was in Kish after the flood had passed through and the kingship had come down from heaven.”

Kish was a major city in Sumer and the seat of the first Sumerian kingdom that has been verified by history. Even though the reigns of the kings of this dynasty were shorter than those of their predecessors, they were still much longer than the average lifespan at the time. The ruler with the shortest reign was Zamug, also known as “the son of Barsal-nuna,” who ruled for 140 years.

For a long time, historians were in agreement that these improbable time frames were the consequence of fabrication, with the reigns and acts of the ancient Sumerians being exaggerated in order to boost their significance in the eyes of the peoples who lived nearby. They may establish their rightful claim to dominate the area by preserving their incredibly old past. But the majority of historians deny the Anunnaki, also known as the Children of Anu, ever existed.

To accomplish their own objectives on Earth, they too “descended from heaven.” Although it is stated that these aliens originated from the 12th planet, Nibiru, their true origins may have been anywhere in the cosmos because they had perfected space travel.

The exact origins of man on our planet are unknown. He could be the result of natural selection and evolution. However, the Anunnaki genesis idea, which contends that man took his first breath in the labs of Anunnaki geneticists Enki and Ninmah, has a place if it is true that humans were made by someone. It goes without saying that if these entities were able to control and change Homo erectus into conscious, logical humans, they were also able to extend their own lives.


This suggests that the lengthy reigns depicted on the Sumerian King List may be taken as fact rather than a metaphor. These celestial beings may have been eternal or at the very least resistant to age and sickness for all we know. It seems sense that they were immune to the problems that cut short our lives if they have the capacity to be regarded as gods.

It’s always possible that we are seeking for solutions in the wrong areas and that the Sumerian King List is just partially true. But despite the contentious nature of the subject, one thing is undeniable: the history of our planet is peculiar.

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