A Mysterious Red Glow Over The Atlantic Ocean Leaves Pilot Baffled - Media News 48

A Mysterious Red Glow Over The Atlantic Ocean Leaves Pilot Baffled

We all see mesmerizing views when flying, but some are more exceptional than others. A pilot flying over the Atlantic noticed one of these, according to a post shared on Reddit.

The caption says, “Mysterious red glow seen over the Atlantic, pilot says he’s never seen anything like it. Via July 2022.”

A frightening red glow

The images show an almost frightening red glow that cannot be explained. This did not stop people from commenting on the thread with their own thoughts on what the phenomenon may be.

“Maybe fishing vessels have never clustered so much to concentrate so much light? Three possible scenarios. 1. Fish populations down to small concentrations. 2. Chinese fishing boats have fished out the Pacific and are now factory fishing in the Atlantic. 3. Atlantic-based fishing boats have adopted China’s factory fishing strategy. None of these are good outcomes. Good luck to those fish,” said one Redditor.

Others ventured a guess that it may be the end of times. “If I’m not wrong, the first DOOM game was set in 2022, so this is it. There comes the demons. There is the end…” said another Redditor.

“It’s so hot the ocean is getting wildfires now,” said one insightful commenter.

Many made comparisons to the TV series Stranger Things. “Dustin’s trying to open up a portal to the upside down – It is literally a watergate,” said a Redditor.

A similar sighting in 2014

A similar phenomenon was spotted in 2014 by pilot JPC Van Heijst. “In the night of 24-25 August 2014, I flew a 747-8 from Hong Kong to Anchorage.

While flying over the vast Pacific Ocean, somewhere southeast of the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula, I had one of the strangest experiences of my life. Around five hours into our flight with Japan a long time behind us, we were cruising at a comfortable 34.000 ft with about four and half hours to go towards Alaska. Over the radio, we heard Air Traffic Control talking to other planes that were heading for the US West Coast about diversions due to major earthquakes in San Francisco,” wrote the pilot.

He then went on to describe what he saw in the sky. “I noticed a deep red/orange glow appearing ahead of us, and this was confirmed when I looked at preview of the photos on the back of my camera. There was supposed to be nothing but endless ocean below for hundreds of miles around us. They initially appeared as a distant city or group of typical Asian squid fishing boats, but this did not make sense in this area.

The lights we saw were much larger in size than your average city or group of boats, but they also glowed red and orange, instead of the normal yellow and white that cities or ships would produce,” described the pilot. “The closer we got, the more intense the glow became, illuminating the clouds and sky below us in a scary orange glow that you would expect with a massive fire on the ground. In a part of the world where there was supposed to be nothing but water.”

Could the same phenomenon that resulted in this sighting in 2014 be responsible for today’s events?

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