Pentagon UFO Papers: “Time travel is possible and could help us visit other worlds” - Media News 48

Pentagon UFO Papers: “Time travel is possible and could help us visit other worlds”

Time travel and anti-gravity technology may be available to humans and might aid in our exploration of extraterrestrial worlds, according to documents made public by the Pentagon. The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a covert Pentagon UFO program, was revealed by 1,500 files.

After a four-year court struggle over a freedom of information request by The Sun Online, their publishing was finally feasible. The effects can be achieved by altering space-time, according to one of the articles that examines how anti-gravity technology may be utilized to build airplanes and spacecraft.

A study into “manipulating gravity” is also included in the paper, which claims that “it may be able to construct exotic phenomena like faster-than-light travel… and time machines.” It is also stated that interstellar travel is possible through “wormholes” in space-time.

The US Department of Defense Intelligence Agency revealed the records, dubbed “the bombshell” by The Sun. These include initiatives to “colonize” outer space with a fleet of single-pilot spaceships and studies into the mental control of robots.

One person can only control four spacecraft at once, but scientists are now questioning if our brains might be improved to increase this capability.

Luis Elizondo, who founded AATIP in 2007 and has been its director since then, thinks that the reality of UFOs has “been confirmed beyond a reasonable question.”

The paper also discusses how nuclear-powered spacecraft and rockets would enable humanity to “construct bridges” spanning the layers of frozen objects orbiting the Sun in order to search for new Earth-like planets.

A research on the effects of alien encounters and UFO sightings on people’s health is also included in the documents, as as information on how humanity may interact with extraterrestrials.


Although the experiment has subsequently been discontinued, Pentagon authorities acknowledged last year that military pilots had reported roughly 150 UFO sightings since 2004.

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