Dark Pit: 12 Pyramids Buried Terrifying Mysteries For More Than 6,300 Years. Q

According to Acient Origins, the Turkish government has just announced the discovery of 11 mуѕteгіoᴜѕ artificial hills about 15 meters high and 300 meters in circumference found around the famous Göbeklitepe monument, and inside each hill is a architectural cluster identical to Göbeklitepe, creating a series of 12 ѕtгапɡe “pyramids” located in Southeast Turkey.

Phát hiện 12 kim tự tháp khổng lồ, xưa hơn Ai Cập đến 6.300 năm - Ảnh 1.

Göbeklitepe Monument – Photo: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Türkiye

Gobeklitepe is an architectural cluster consisting of a magnificent megalithic monument hidden inside an artificial hill, exсаⱱаted many years ago. The architecture consists of a circle arranged with many rectangular stone pillars up to 6 meters high, weighing from 7.7 to 11 tons, in the middle are the two largest stone pillars, T-shaped.

According to Mr. Mehmet Ersoy, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Türkiye, 11 artificial hills are scattered on a 100 km thick line running around Göbeklitepe. The exploration of 11 artificial hills around it also showed that inside were 11 structures identical to Göbeklitepe, so now Gobeklitepe Hill has become a 12-hill monument, also known as “12 pyramids in Southeast Turkey.” Ky”.

Phát hiện 12 kim tự tháp khổng lồ, xưa hơn Ai Cập đến 6.300 năm - Ảnh 2.

A totem pole was shaped 8,000-8,800 years ago – Photo: Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism

The most confusing thing is that the architectural cluster is 11,000 years old, which is more than 6,300 years older than the oldest Egyptian pyramid! Scientists still cannot understand with the technology of that period, how Stone Age people could create this magnificent landscape because just transporting the above rocks seems too much for the shape. rudimentary labor of that time.

Phát hiện 12 kim tự tháp khổng lồ, xưa hơn Ai Cập đến 6.300 năm - Ảnh 3.

The landscape of the hill hides a cluster of mуѕteгіoᴜѕ relics – Photo: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Türkiye

The works also have special artistic value. Their creators carefully used flint to carve most of the pillars, mainly with images of animals and mуѕteгіoᴜѕ hieroglyphs.

The purpose of the ancients building Göbeklitepe and the remaining 11 “pyramids” is still a mystery. The most popular hypothesis is that of a saint, seen by ancient worshipers as a place to communicate with the gods. Therefore, Göbeklitepe is also considered the most ancient temple of mапkіпd.