In this week, Archaeologists applaud the remarkable discovery of a presumed “Hun lady,” who wore a jet gemstone buckle on her embroidered belt. - Media News 48

In this week, Archaeologists applaud the remarkable discovery of a presumed “Hun lady,” who wore a jet gemstone buckle on her embroidered belt.


The remarkably preserved mummy was discovered this week on the shore of a sizable reservoir on the Yenisei River upstream of the enormous Sayano-Shushenskaya dam, which powers the largest power plant in Russia and the ninth largest hydroelectric plant in the world. The discovery was made possible by a drop in the water level.

The old woman was buried with a funeral feast and a silk skirt on, and she also carried a pouch of pine nuts into the afterlife.

A Hun-style vase was found next to her accidently mummified bones.

In Tyva Republic, a group of archeologists from the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of History of Material Culture in St. Petersburg discovered a rectangular stone structure that seemed to be a grave.

According to a scientist, “The mummy was in very good shape, with soft tissues, skin, clothes, and accessories intact.”

The deputy head of the institution, Natalya Solovieva, said: “On the mummy are what we think to be silk garments and a belt with a jet buckle that appears to have a design.

The mummy of a young lady was discovered on the bank of the reservoir during excavations, according to archaeologist Dr. Marina Kilunovskaya.

This is not a typical mummy, as the grave was firmly sealed with a stone cover, allowing for a natural mummification process.

Prior to conducting extensive testing, experts assume she was buried between 1,900 and 2,000 years ago.Surprisingly, the bones survived despite being submerged for extended periods of time since the dam began operating between 1978 and 1985.

With a felt-covered Chinese mirror, a spherical wooden box wrapped in birch bark was discovered near the head, according to Dr. Solovieva.

There were two containers nearby, one of which was a vase in the Hun style.

Sayano-Shushensk reservoir for water. the reservoir’s shores once the water has receded.

A bag of pine nuts was attached to her breast, and there was a funeral feast in the containers.

On the mummy, restoration specialists have started their work.

Analysis of the discovery should reveal a plethora of details about her life and times.

The Russian Geographical Society gave scientists a stipend so they could save the rare archaeological discoveries in flooded areas.

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