Nearly 100 reports of alien UFO sightings by the Pentagon have no logical explanation - Media News 48

Nearly 100 reports of alien UFO sightings by the Pentagon have no logical explanation

According to a Pentagon federal intelligence review, the UFOs seen by Navy pilots recently were not made of top-secret technology. Additionally, he leaves open the possibility that these are extraterrestrial ships.

Unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), sometimes referred to as UFOs, are allegedly being investigated by the Pentagon to determine if they pose a threat to national security.

The evaluation was ordered as a part of a package of help that former US President Barack Obama approved last year.

The disclosure of these documents has created a complete revolution in society since UFO sightings have long been the focus of conspiracy theories.

There was a lot of media conjecture before the material was made public before Congress on June 25.

What details of the report do we now know?


On Thursday, the New York Times published the findings first, followed by CNN and the Washington Post.

These news outlets asserted to have discussed the findings of the much anticipated study with a number of government officials.

The bulk of the more than 120 incidents that have been recorded over the past 20 years, according to authorities, were reported by US Navy personnel, with some involving foreign military personnel.

According to three people interviewed by CNN, the investigation does not completely rule out the possibility of extraterrestrial participation in some of these circumstances.

However, it should be mentioned that there is no confirmation that the aerial phenomenon that Navy pilots have recently reported seeing were extraterrestrial spacecraft.

According to intelligence authorities cited by CNN, some of the aerial occurrences may be explained by experimental technology from a rival nation like China or Russia.

Regardless of the discovery’s true origin, intelligence officials are worried about the ramifications for national security.

NASA plans to research UFOs.

Bill Nelson, the newly appointed administrator of NASA, has ordered researchers to investigate strange flying objects.

The former Florida senator who traveled on the space shuttle Columbia says there is no proof that aliens have visited Earth yet, but he also doesn’t discount it out.

We don’t know if it’s extraterrestrial, Nelson said CNN of the interactions noted by Navy pilots.

“We’re not certain if it’s an enemy or not. Whether it is an optical illusion is unknown to us. We do not think it is an optical phenomena given the traits mentioned by the Navy aircraft pilots. Finally, we are interested in knowing.

According to NASA press secretary Jackie McGuinness, Nelson has ordered investigators to continue their probe despite the fact that he has not created an official task group to start looking into UFOs.

According to McGuinness, “this is an interesting event, and the American public is undoubtedly interested in it, therefore scientists should explore it.”

The study characterizes the Pentagon’s weird items as inaccurate and confusing. But it is incredible that the idea of alien origin has not been disproved.

The most peculiar aspect is that NASA, which has always been wary of any sightings, has chosen to investigate it further.

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