Starving And Thirsty 5-month-old Puppy Was Found Outside In The Heat, With Mouth Taped Shut - Media News 48

Starving And Thirsty 5-month-old Puppy Was Found Outside In The Heat, With Mouth Taped Shut

A few days ago, a cute puppy was found near San Antonio, Texas, suffering from heat exhaustion. San Antonio Pets Alive claims that Bonnie, a five-month-old puppy, was abused. According to the animal rights group:


“Bonnie was found outside in the scorching sun with a whole roll of tape covering her mouth. Her pale, puffy nose and mouth are a result of poor circulation. Scars and blood from the tape’s tight grip on her scalp highlight her bald spots. When she was brought into our care, she was likewise filthy.”


“Approximately five months and six pounds of infant cuteness later, a monster took her away. She had no way to hydrate, digest, defecate, bathe, or even breathe normally under those conditions. When you pull back her fur, you’ll see that she’s just skin and bones.”

On Monday, the shelter posted a Facebook update about Bonnie’s health, saying:

“We haven’t decided yet what the optimal treatment plan for her will be. Her heart rate and blood pressure are both normal, yet she still can’t stand. She is learning new things and getting lots of love. That stuffed dinosaur is her favorite toy.”


As of this now, Bonnie is not up for adoption. The agency claims that

“A caring family will be found for her as soon as she is healthy enough to be adopted. There is still a long way to go before she is ready for a permanent family.”

Anyone considering adopting is urged to consider one of the many other homeless animals in need by the group.

“If you adopt or foster, know that you are providing a home for a baby and a kennel for another animal in need. More space is needed immediately so that we can save more valuable lives. In the absence of further space, they are trapped.”

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